Hello All!
This week was a whirlwind of all kinds of crazy! The week started off and I felt fine and excited about training and then came Tuesday when we got to take the new missionaries out for the night and I got so nervous. It was such a neat experience though. We showed up to the mission home on Tuesday night, ate dinner with Pres. and Sister Brown and the new missionaries and then we got to just take one of the new missionaries for a couple hours for their very first experience in the mission field. It was great! I took an Hermana out and we did some contacting of Potential investigators and then she was just so fired up that she wanted to go knock on some doors! So we did. Haha. Then we taught one of our investigators. It was just so neat to be reminded of when I first came out into the field and see how far I really have come and also see what I want to re-incorporate into the work that I do now. I took her back, and then Hermana Mondragon and I headed back to our apartment for the night. The next day we had trainer's meeting and then headed to the mission home again to pick up our new companions. My new companion's name is Sister Jensen. She is from South Carolina. She is super great. She is a really focused missionary and just has a lot of excitement about the work and desires to be exactly obedient. We are similar in a lot of ways and especially in the ways that we like to teach and follow the spirit. That has been really great. She is so willing to learn and has taught me a lot as well this week.
Training is really great and it has just re-opened my eyes to the joy that we can find as missionaries and how to truly involve the Lord more. I am so grateful that Sister Jensen is so willing to do the work in the Lord's way. We both are working together to become better. I have been working so hard on being humble and teachable because I know that I can learn so much from training a new missionary and it really has been great. I realize how far I have come on my mission too and how much I have learned and become comfortable with being a missionary and teaching doctrines through the spirit. I am pretty tired this week, but I know the Lord will continue to strengthen me. Sister Jensen is just really prepared and is a full contributor in the companionship for sure. It is really great.
So, one thing that I forgot to tell you all last week is that this week we had an apostle come to our mission for a mission conference. Guess who it was? Elder Bednar!!! It was probably the most amazing meeting I have been a part of on my mission. The spirit was so powerful throughout the whole meeting. He is a very wise man and truly speaks by the spirit. His whole message was about the pattern that we use to teach and learn by the spirit. And while he was teaching it, he was demonstrating it perfectly. He helped us to see how to pray as agents. Not to be acted upon but to act! Instead of praying, "Please bless those who aren't here this week that they will come next week." At church, we should pray, "After this meeting, each one of us is going to go to someone's house who wasn't here today and see how we can help them to come next week." Praying as an agent. He also talked about how key the spirit is in our teaching and learning and helped us to see how to better teach in that manner and to learn each day through the spirit. I just can't even describe the love that I felt in that meeting and when the time came for him to close I felt like the people in the book of 3 Nephi when the people don't want the Savior to leave and they tell him to tarry with them longer. I know that we do have a Prophet, the First Presidency, and 12 Apostles to lead and guide us and that their words are directly from God. We can NOT be lead astray if we follow their words. That was confirmed to me powerfully at this meeting.
One of our investigators has disappeared basically....we can't get a hold of him and no one knows where he is. So that is different...but we keep praying for him. It's been a bit of a struggle because our investigators are not really progressing. But we have been finding some less actives that are ready to make some changes in their lives and come back to church. So I will focus on those 2 in this e-mail. One is a women who has not been contacted by members in 30 years. We showed up at her door and she asked us,"Why now? After all these years?" We could only tell her that Heavenly Father is aware of her and that she has great purpose in her life. She is just a sweet lady and truly wants to come back. We left her with a copy of the Book of Mormon and she said she was start a consistent study of it this week. Another Less active is a man who has not been to church in many years but has such a powerful testimony. He has had some really hard things happen in his life but still has a goal to get back to the temple. He is so grateful that we come over because he feels a bit forgotten. Last night he said that he has a goal to ready from the Book of Mormon each day and he is going to come to church next week. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has helped us to find these less-actives that are ready to come back. Seeing them come back is just as powerful to me as seeing a new member get baptized. I know Heavenly Father cares about all of His children and He doesn't want to lose any of them.
That is my week in a nutshell. I am grateful for this time I have to serve the Lord. That was another powerful revelation that the spirit hit me with while Elder Bednar was speaking, I only have 6 more months to be a full-time missionary, set apart for this cause specifically. I find great joy in it and want to strive to make the most of this time that I can in serving His children, my brothers and sisters. All of His children are precious in His sight. I love you all!! Have a wonderful week! Share HIS love by showing others your love.
Sister Young
Sister Jensen & I |
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