Hello All!
The work continues to move forward.
One really awesome experience we had this week happened on Thursday. We received a call from the Zone Leaders in the morning saying that the Stake President had called and said, " I have 30 potential investigators for you all." There are a group of 30 guys that come and play basketball at the church every week. Most of them are not members. It has slowly grown over the years and now there are so many that come. Well, in order to follow the church handbook that state that the building must be used for church functions and edifying, President B, instead of "shutting down" the basketball time, he made a deal with them. He said that in order to keep playing that they each would have to take the lessons from the missionaries and go to church once a month. Nothing unreasonable. They agreed. So this Thursday we go to meet them all for the first time. There were 3 sets of missionaries, and each of us took a group of about 7 to 10 guys and gave them a tour of the building and introduced them to the core principles of what is taught within the church. It was so unique watching all of these big basketball guys, all filing into the room to start with prayer. We don't quite know what will come of all of this but President B is a very inspired man and felt like this was what needed to be done. We will teach them the first lesson this week:) I'll let you know how it goes.
Another neat miracle that happened this week was with a Less-active member and her boyfriend. We have been meeting with this less-active woman who is very sweet and super great, every week. Her boyfriend is not a member and has never been super open to the gospel. But the other day, this woman told us about a miracle that had happened. Her Grandma was visiting from out of town and she received a blessing. The boyfriend was there and felt an incredible spirit as the blessing was given, so much that he just couldn't contain his emotions. He went outside and she followed after him. He apologized for never being open to her religion before and said he wanted to learn more because nothing that felt like that could be bad. His heart is for sure being softened. They really want to get to the temple together. It is such a testimony to me that God is preparing hearts to receive His messages.
We had a Stake President breakfast this week and it was probably the best Stake President breakfast I have attended my whole mission. Not just because of the food:) but because of the spirit. Along with our wonderful stake president, we also have President S, who was the mission president to the Leeds, England Mission. Him and his wife are amazing individuals and I know one reason I am in Cheyenne is so I can learn from them and Stake President B and his wife. What amazingly in-tuned individuals they are. During breakfast we each shared a "highlight" of our missions and then we discussed common principles that we saw in each of the stories. One thing that the spirit taught me/reminded me of was an important principle that I have been getting wrong lately. The Lord is the one that is the miracle worker. We are not the ones that make the miracles happen, we are merely the instruments in His hands. I think sometimes I try to make miracles happen and I take on the world thinking that I have to be the one to be the miracle worker. But it's not me! The Lord will do His work, the Lord will perform His miracles. That for some reason hit me powerfully. I need to stop taking so much on my shoulders and let the Lord do His work. We also need to focus on the successes that occur. So many times we look at all the hard parts or the struggles and by so doing, we miss the miracles, we miss the successes. We all have had successes! We need to focus on those more than our weaknesses, our struggles, or discouragements.
Guess what else happened at church yesterday? We got done with church and were waiting to start our meeting in the foyer. Then someone said, "Guess who just got done with Sacrament meeting and is in the chapel? Lindsey Stirling!" Crazy! Haha. She is on tour right now and Cheyenne happened to be the place that they were stopped on the Sabbath so she came to church with one of her dancers. We waited in the foyer and she saw we were missionaries and she came right up and started talking to us. It was great! Then we got a picture with her. She is super sweet in person too. It's so great how she makes time for the most important things each week, even on tour. The sacrament is key. To those of you who who don't know who Lindsey Stirling is, here is her "I'm a mormon" video
She's a great example of standing true to the gospel at all time and in all things and in all places, and helping other realize their true worth while being unique. Plus she's super talented and uses her talents for good:) Check it out!
I love you all! Thanks so much for your prayers, your love, and support! Keep smiling:)
Sister Young
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Group picture |
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Exchange with Sister Martin |
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Us with Lindsey Stirling |
Exchange with Sister Caserta |
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